
Original documents are central to what historians examine as part of understanding the past. Our team is building out a catalog of easily accessible historical documents that teachers and students can study. Starting with documents related to the four expeditions to the New World led by Columbus, we are creating a timeline in documents all the way up to recent events.

Chronology of Events in Documents:

1492 Privileges and Prerogatives Granted by their Catholic Majesties, Isabella and Ferdinand, to Christopher Columbus.

1492 Excerpts from the journal of Christopher Columbus.

1493/4 Letter from Columbus to King and Queen of Spain, translated, reports on the success of his voyage.

1494 Treaty of Tordesillas, dividing North and South America by Spain and Portugal.

1606 Virginia Charter granted by King James.

1607 Instructions from the Virgina Company of London to the captains and company of Jamestown.

1606-24 Jamestown events recounted in John Smith’s history.

1610 Laws for the Colony of Virginia.

1620 Mayflower Compact.

1622 A Jamestown settler describes life in Virginia.

1629 Salem Covenant.

1630 John Winthrop, “A Modell of Christian Charity,” preached en route to the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

1636 The Enlarged Salem Covenant.

Documents will be added to this bank chronologically as we progress through history with the films.